Monday, December 1, 2008

What Really Grinds My Gears (Volume I)

Before I head home from work something was on my mind...You know what really grinds my gears!!?? These young boys in NYC, mostly Harlem, but NYC in general wearing these rosaries!! That's what really grinds my gears. All I can think is, "WTFF (what the FLACK for...working on my cussing)!!" They're not wearing one, for sentimental reasons, more like five to ten on their neck, for no reason at all!!! So this leaves me disturbed and confused. Maybe I'm judging these young boys to early before I even question one on my own. It's either one of two possible reasons as to why they are wearing them: (1) one rosary is for every person close to them that they have lost, or (2) the wood rosaries just look hot and accentuate their look (...smh...which I hope is not the case) . I really feel compelled to stop one of these young "whipper-snappers" (I am not old just using it for sheer laughs....hahahah...ok; that's enough) on the street and ask them, "Why?! Why!? O! Why!? Do you wear those rosaries the way that you do." Maybe it's me trying to stay clear of being shanked, shot (more times than there are super bowls) or jumped by a small'm being a little sarcastic, but that's just who I am. I will keep you updated on that effort. Better yet, if anyone knows of why they wear more than one, please post a comment and enlighten me. I am ignorant to this new fashion statement. My ear isn't that close to the streetz. I'm focused on other things, but this definitely grinds my gears!! What about you?

Monday, November 24, 2008

We are so much better than this...

In wake of the loss of Abraham Biggs. I felt compelled to make a real important post. If you aren't already aware Abraraham was 19 years young. He committed suicide live online as people watched and pushed him to do it. He used a combination of opiates and prescription drugs for patients who are bipoliar. Here is his note he left behind:



To Whom It May Concern,
I am going to leave this for whoever stumbles across my bookmarks later on. I hate myself and I hate living. I think that if someone who knows me reads this they will know who I am. So I will leave this unsigned. I am an a@#hole. I have let everyone down and I feel as though I will never change or never improve. I am in love with a girl and I know that I am not good enough for her.

I have come to believe that my life has all been meaningless. I keep trying and I keep failing. I have thought about and attempted suicide many times in the past. I used to think of my failure as some mystical way of telling me that I was really meant for something meaningful. The only thing I dread, besides the pain, is the way my family will suffer.
I do not want my mother or father to think that it was anything they did that lead me to kill myself. I never really had any plans of leaving a note. I thought that I would not be able to describe why I want to do this and I am right. There is no way to tell you or anyone else why I dread every new day. My father had such high expectations for me and tried to give me every opportunity to improve upon myself. I let him down. I think that I am a major disappointment to him. I have a job but I'm always broke and I am in college but barely, I show up to class but that's about it.
I want my life to end. I am tired of f@#$ing up everything. I am tired of people always telling me that they do not like me. I am tired of trying to be decent. I hope that someone finds this post and I hope that my parents know that I f@#$ed up not them. It is my fault I screwed up my own life.
The hate that rages within me, rages not for those I love so dearly or those who have crossed my path. This hate rages full force towards me and only me.
I have long forgiven those who've hurt me, but I have not and cannot come to terms to forgive myself for the things I have done to myself, and the things I've done to hurt those in my life.
You have all touched my life in one way or another, especially those whom I call family. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for ending my life the way I did. I hope that you can all find it in your heart to see it as way for me not suffering anymore and that I am finally at rest with myself, for being at rest with the guilt that constantly ate at me for so long. Please forgive me all for taking my own life so early. I tried so hard to fight against this strong battle. I have reached out for help so many times, and yet I believe, I was turned away because of the things I did, that it is a punishment I am willing to take, for I know that being who I am has only brought myself and others pain.

I love you all and will forever live within the memories we created. Forgive me.

Love always and forever,

As for my signature I will leave you with a quote so that if anyone reads this they will know it's me, "Can't feel pain if your dead? Just Saying"


I am at a loss for words. I'm not surprised that people watched and cheered him on. That's just how some people are, but that isn't an excuse to be used over and over again. WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS. This young man was troubled and that is known. He seemed to be troubled juggling a lot of things internally. Love has to start from within and he didn't have that. Bless his heart. I pray that the Lord will now take care of him. He was going through a lot mentally. I still don't think that is enough to make someone to want to take their own life. WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS. The world offers so much more than self hatred. We all have a purpose. Some find their purpose a lot faster than others. The journey is what makes it worth everything second, minute, hour, day, year, decade, and century, God willingly. The ups and downs have purpose. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There are good people out there. WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS. I have no shame for those individuals that watched him and didn't do anything at all. Abraham was disgusted with people who make it a daily routine to express their negative thoughts online because only because of the anonymnity that comes with it. Be MAN/WOMAN enough to let people know how you feel with your information attached. There are a lot of cowards out there. That is cowardly.

Yet I remain faithful that we can be better. WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Too much of anything is bad for you (Part I)

Ruby Tuesday
"Colossal Burger"
~2,000 Calories
~150 grams of Fat

Those are rounded numbers. But they're just shy of what I have stated previously...SMH...This is one of the main reasons why Americans are obese and gluttonous. 150 grams of fat is two days worth of what you should be getting and not in one sitting! Be wary of what you it...That's why I just don't eat beef or pork at all, but that's for another discussion. Would you eat this?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Are people born gay?

First, let me say that I've always been a man of the sciences. Science encompasses chemistry, biology, physics, et al. The primary focus for each study is searching for the truth of the unknown; in my opinion. There is a way you approach everything by making an educated guess (hypothesis) and seeing whether or not it is true. That's all there is to it. Just as it never hurts to ask--it will either be a yes or a no--it never hurts to see if you your hypothesis is true or not. Either way you will get something out of it.

I can attest to a good portion of my life--about 18 to 19 years--that I believed wholeheartedly that there was no way that a person could be born gay. My one and only argument before was as follows:

(1) There is no way that two individuals of the same sex can procreate! What else did I need to dispute my claim?! I saw it as being unnatural...

What started to change my opinion was my fascination with the human genome and how there is so much that we don't even know of the make up of our own systems. The human body is complex! So complex that Someone of a higher power [God] has to be responsible for its design (*my spiritual plug of the day*). We really only know about 1% of the entire human genome and year after year there are new discoveries of what the human genome is responsible for.

There have been many studies, especially on specific groups of monkeys (e.g. macaques and sooty mangabeys just to name a few). Granted these specific species are perfect for research purposes due to their easy handling and rapid reproductive cycle. We also share about 93% of the same genetic structure (which is more than or equal to 200 genes that separates us from monkeys).

As come to further my knowledge in the field in which I intend to be a future expert the way in which I look at this subject is totally different then the way I did 5 or 6 years ago. There are reasons why I have come to believe that maybe, just maybe individuals are born gay. Yes. It is true, but that is my opinion and others may support it or denounce its claim. I have a few arguments that can help support my claim:

(1) Our genes aren't always perfect. Sometimes there are abnormalities in our genes or chromosomes. A few of genetic disorders are Cystic fibrosis (hereditary disease affecting mucus glands of the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines) and Sickle cell anemia just to name a few. It is all due to a gene that wasn't expressed in their parents or was latent (actually there but silent). There is a possibly that some people might have a different gene when active produces gay individuals. It's not impossible.

(2) Natural selection is the driving force of evolution. There might be a reason for people being born gay. Now imagine if everyone that was old enough, ready and willing to procreate did just that; procreate. Think about that for a minute (take a second). Japan would be in the ocean due to overpopulation, and China would take over (just jokes)...but seriously "overpopulation" would be an understatement.

Now don't get me wrong there are some people that just want to join the bandwagon, experiment, or whatever you may call it. Some people see it as a fad, something different, and want to try it out. There are some people that aren't necessarily born gay but pose as being gay. You cannot count out this theory though. I'm pretty sure there are people out there studying it. Scientists and researchers are breaking down the human genome gene by gene trying to figure out what it is that goes on within our vessels. Others might feel another way though. If you feel a certain way let us know. I'm open minded and listen twice as much as I speak. That's why God gave us two ears right? Right...What's your opinion?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Test of a Man...

There is something within us all that drives us to do something! You have your revolutionaries, politicians, adventurers, religious zealots, and many, many more. I'm a firm believer of pushing yourself in anything to the limits. You would be surprised what you can learn about yourself when you push yourself to limits you have never thought you would reach. Personally, I like to push my self physically from time to time. I do that every year going back to wrestling. I coach a high school team and I definitely feel my age, but whereas they have the endless energy I have the ever present skill set gained throughout the years. I never feel as if I'm getting older, more younger ;-) because my body just needs to be worked harder than in my younger years, but my mind is getting younger and stronger. The reason for this post is to just make known two main goals I have set for myself in recent weeks. One a short term goal (within 2 years) and the other a longer term goal (within 4 years). I enjoy running for a good cardiovascular workout. There is a amazing calm from a good run (sigh). So my short term goal is to participate in an upcoming New York City Marathon! Yes! 26 Miles straight! I'm going to sign up with the Runners Club and get right into it. My goal is to finish high; at least within 100. My long term goal is to qualify for the 2012 Olympics as a part of the USA Men's Freestyle Wrestling Team. Those are a just a few ways I have chosen to push myself physically and mentally.

Another goal is doing something that this isn't necessarily enjoyable; more frightening. I do not fear any man or thing, but fear is natural. We all fear something. I'm not afraid of skydiving, but that is pretty scary...I'm gonna do it sometime soon. When I do. I will paint a pretty picture of what it is like so you will either want to do the same or just know that it isn't for you :-D

It's always good to push yourself from time to time to learn more about yourself. Life is to short. Enjoy it. Right?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Prop 8...

I always like generating good, honest, wholesome discourse on subjects from all over the world, because at the end of the day they affect us all. Along with the victory of President Elect Barack Obama also comes the loss of those against Proposition 8 in the state of California. There are a few states that recognize same-sex marriages. What Proposition 8 declares is that the state of California no longer recognizes same-sex "marriages". If my memory is correct they still recognize unions, but not marriages. I am no politician and politics is not my schtick, so reply with your comments as you see fit.

As I've matured into a loving, caring, law-abiding citizen I know respect the GLBT community. They are apart of our world. No matter what law or doctrine any government can write up they will always be around. They'll have sex, socialize, work amongst us, etc etc etc. The important thing is that they are "human beings". I will go as far as defending them against individuals who would wish to use violent and discriminatory methods to rid the world of gays. If I were a politician then I would do all that I could do within my power to. Right now I'm just an advocate for their rights. At the end of the day, whatever happens to them pretty much happens to us all. For example, there was a time when African-Americans couldn't vote. It wasn't only African-Americans to fight the vote! Latin-Americans, Asian-Americans, and even White-Americans fought along side those who felt they were being discriminated against. When women didn't have the right to vote it wasn't women fighting alone! Men fought along side them as well!

What needs to happen is separating your religous beliefs from your political beliefs. There is a difference and both should be separate. The church and state (i.e. government) are two separate entities. A friend of mine made a good point when he said that the difference lies in the definition of a union and a marriage. Where as a union is recognized by the government a marriage is recognized by God. In a perfect world, unions of same sex couples and of men and women should be recognized by law, for it is their right. On the other hand, same-sex marriages can be difficult because some religious doctrines--I think it's more on religious individuals--see same-sex relations as blasphemous, evil, et al. At the end of the day if same sex couples are Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or of any other faith, they need to take this argument up with their given religious leaders. Period.

I will conclude with another point my friend made, which makes sense when you think about it. I am Christian (which is the umbrella term that also includes Catholics, Jesuits, Protestants, and Seventh Day Adventist just to name a few). No one can argue that our relationship with God is a personal experience, so no one can tell you anything about your relationship with God. Our relationships with God are approached many different ways; either through constant prayer, attending church, a combination of the two or anything else...I digress...I am a Christian, and I know that when Jesus walked upon this Earth, was crucified, and rose on the third day "The Old Testament" was pretty much thrown out the window. If you've ever read the New Testament he speaks of faith, hope and love. Love is the greatest though, and Jesus is not one of marginalizing individuals. He hugged lepers, socialized with prostitutes, and pardoned thieves. The point my friend was making is that a majority of the time people quote the Old Testament, when we're really supposed to be following the New Testament; as Christians. I'm pretty sure you understand the logic in that. That sums up my thoughts pretty quickly. I'm curious to hear the opinions of others...

...student eternally

(Added 11/11/2008 @11:26pm...I saw this not too long ago, and felt compelled to share...i'm not a fan but I respect the angle taken on this issue from Olbermann)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted! How about you?

So I woke up at the crack of dawn, well actually even earlier than that, traveled to my poll site which is around my old black in Washington Heights. I saw my aunt on and skipped some people in turn, but they couldn't be that mad. There was a line, but it wasn't that long. Soon enough My mom steps out of a cab sees the line and responds, "I can't wait. I have to get to work." So I wait on line with my aunt, and people are talking about there is a hawk on the 6th floor fire escape--maybe this was a sign (shrugs shoulders)--of the building which is home to the three voting booths for our poll site. My mother, aunt and I all still use the same address on our Driver's License and a lot of our mail still goes to this same address, so that is the reason why we all were at the site around the same time. We're all early birds as well. I digress, though. People were constantly repeating how there was never a line this early in the morning, but there was. There was even a woman, around her 50's who was voting for the first time! I know young voters were coming by the packs, but it is voters like this woman who are a living testament as to how Bush was elected way back in 2000 and re-elected in 2004. I'm glad she voted, and I'm sure she voted for Obama. This is bigger than Obama, if you haven't noticed already. Not only are Americans looking for a change, but the world as well. Can Americans go against what they are known for? We will see. If you've ever been outside of the US you will know that people frown upon Americans. There's a lot of hatred out there, but it's good that "some" Americans travel and show the world that we really aren't that bad and Bush doesn't represent us as a whole. He is only one person...I wish I could have taken a picture :-( I guess this will serve as my personal documentation. Obama '08!

Friday, October 31, 2008

WAAZZZZUP in 2008...Change!

I cannot believe that these guys have been on hiatus for eight years. I remember those "Wazzzup" commercials like it was yesterday. This commercial is hilarious. Definitely biased for Obama, but it's hilarious. Enjoy. Laughter keeps you young. I know; it works for me.

Michelle Obama...Political Humor

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Complex Simplistic Nature of Masturbation

Notice that I didn't put "LOL" or "LMAO" after my title, because it doesn't warrant those expressions at all for this is entirely a serious, mature post. I hope you take it seriously, because it's not really meant to be funny, rather spark discussion amongst those that may come across my blog or this post specifically.

I might have been a little reluctant to make this post but since I have recently been compelled to follow through. Just to provide a little background, if you aren't aware already, I was born into a Muslim household, and raised as a Christian. Sexual orientation was never a question. I had a mother who I have seen through the ups and downs of her relationships after the death of my father so long ago. Now sexual exploration on the other hand was never ever brought up at all. Even in some of my close circles of homeboys, friends, male acquaintances during high school or even college. It all goes back to how I was raised and those around me as well.

About two months ago somehow the subject came up while I was at work in the lab. My lab is strictly women. There are two male doctors that are apart of my lab but they are way older than I am and aren't really around in the lab, but rather writing papers, focusing on their own research, or attending professional conferences, meetings, etc. So my female coworker, who happens to be the most outspoken out of the whole bunch, presented the question to me. I was honest. I didn't feel compelled to do it on a regular basis. My perspective was that people become so consumed with masturbating that it becomes a bad thing. If you understand my thoughts at the time...we can move on. Okay. Great. She broke it down to me, where I extracted the following key points:

(1) You learn what excites you,

(2) What it takes for you to have an orgasm, and

(3) It controls your sexual urges (i.e. if you're in a relationship you really won't be pressed to venture out to possible temptations) while at the same time providing a healthy release of a natural bodily function otherwise known to the streets as "busting a nut" or whatever terminology you use to describe male/female ejaculation.

So I took her advice and embarked on my journey of masturbation. This is not the time to picture me as Steve Carell in the "40 Year Old Virgin" in my room with the lights turned off, candles lit, and my bottle of lotion or personal lubricant. That's just not how it went down...LOL...My goal was to do it at least once a day or at least five times a week. As a result I noticed a few things:

(1) I felt happier! Now I'm already a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, who always remains positive no matter what goes on around me. I was just on another level of happiness. I just felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulder. I felt lighter on my feet and more at ease throughout the day.

(2)I began to understand what turned me on; what excited me. Ways of doing this are over the phone, watching a porno, or just creating you're own experience from scratch. I choose porno (shrugs shoulders).

(3) The time in which it took me to climax was taking a lot longer.

(4)I was in control of my sex drive and urges.

This is definitely a topic that parents should be discussing with their children when they reach a certain age (e.g. the teenage years). A father should have this conversation with his son, and a mother with her daughter. These are conversations that should remain "in house" and not only with their peers. When that happens concepts are misunderstood, and the sexual foundation isn't solid. What does some young individual who's been having sex here and there really know about the act, masturbation, and that responsibility that comes with it.

Any thoughts fellow students in school of life?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Cannot Vote (at this point in time)

I knew this was a hoax in certain states, but it seems New Mexico is among the list of states that won't allow voter's in at poll sites if they are adorned with paraphernalia. A woman was forced to leave exit the poll site and turn her Obama t-shirt inside-out. I would deduce that paraphernalia of either candidate will not be tolerated, but so far no news of McCain supporters being turned away for having t-shirts or buttons in support of McCain. Know the rules and regulations of your state, so this won't happen to you.

[I am the one they call Figz and I approve this message]

Monday, October 13, 2008

Man and Woman circa 21st Century

A fellow blogger (courtesy of BrooklynGypsy) gave me inspiration to write a piece about some thoughts that have always been in my mind, but have never really been focused into a single thought or even written down. If anyone knows me, you know that I'm old school. I can't help it. I was raised around a lot of older folks and they instilled their values and principles within me when I was a young man, which have helped mold me into the man I am today.

Along the journey we call life for a man and a woman if you haven't learned about how important listening and observing is, then you have missed out on a lot. There are so many unwritten rules, laws, doctrines, and unforeseen things that you have to pay attention to. It's as if you're in a classroom lecture. The teacher will mouth of information but if you can't catch the important parts then you won't know what he'll focus on any quizzes, tests, or exams.

I was born into a Muslim household. I have fond memories of time spent in the mosque, and observed how separated the men, women, and children were. That's how I felt with my father. He had drug problems. He was very intelligent. He learned how to read, write and speak Arabic on his own. When he entered the house though I would wait with an indifferent look because I didn't know what to expect. Either he was drunk or high and would enter angry and irate, or we would see the peaceful and sagacious father that brought us into the world and made us happy. He passed away when I was eight to the plague of our age known as AIDS. I always keep a memory of him. A memory of the good things and how he touched those around him; even me without physically being there to see me graduate high school, then college and see me be on my own. The father figures in my life though were my Grandpa Bill, my uncle Ike (who I get a lot of my swag from, just from being around him most of my life), my older cousin Donald, my cousin/brother/peer Troy. I observed, listened, and questioned a lot of the things they would do; not so much my uncle, though. We all have an inner gage of what is right and wrong. What I felt was right I felt was right and whatever was wrong was wrong. You take a little and file it away to use as a reference, and the rest goes in the recycle bin.

Some young men in training today may not have proper male figures around, but you can't use that as an excuse. That internal gage is there. We all make our own decisions. Just because my friends were telling me, "Dam you ain't fuckin' yet!?" didn't mean that I was going to listen to them. I have never seen a woman as being a conquest, but many young man see it as such. This day in age men should know how to cook. Yes! He should be able to take care of himself and still treat women with respect even if there are some disrespectful women out there. You should always keep your cool as a man. Example, I remember while in college we a female friend of mine said some disrespectful things to me, so I stepped out of my gentleman domain and said something disrespectful back, and what happened? She slapped me dead in my face. Now, some guys say they have a natural instinct to smack a chick back. My natural instinct was to eat it and just walk away before I ended up doing something I would regret. I could never hit a woman. It would eat at me for a long time, so I remove myself from the situation (Note: Women out there who have the desire to push a man too far, even when he's trying to step away from a possible altercation, know that if you continue to push you will get hurt). That's me though. Other guys are far worse. I digress...The 21st century is about giving and receiving, receiving and giving. A woman should know how to cook a meal, but a man should take the reigns of the kitchen sometimes too. The same thing can be said for cleaning, dates, etc. "Uh! Uh! I got it. I got it," is not only something a man should be saying, but a woman can say it sometimes too. When a woman cooks for me, it just makes me want to cook for her. It's all about reciprocity. Even in the bedroom...I'll leave that for another time. I can save a whole post for that conversation.

In this day in age there is no room for a man to work, and a woman to stay home, unless one or the other is very well off. If you intend on having a lot of children that is something that should be planned for. Saving a lot of money and having one partner who is able to take the load of the whole family. I will have that Muslim mentality of having only what I will be able to support, so if that means two children that's how many I will have.

So many people today have so much pride it's ridiculous. Pride gets in the way of a lot of relationships. How is the main reason for most divorce FINANCIAL DISAGREEMENTS! Can't you just work it out and agree [SMH].

If there is one thing that remains constant it is that spiritual, heart-aching desire to go along this journey we call life with someone of the opposite sex (or of the same sex if that's your orientation). It's natural. Today, though, people are afraid to always put your feelings out there and just "BE". Be yourself. Be you for the other to see. Don't get caught up in that whole i'm INDEPENDENT mantra. You're only fooling yourself. " the possiblity of the thing (Love Jones, 1997)." If you don't dream of possibilities, why are you living?

I'm old school. What other old school brothas out there are going to ask the father for their daughter's hand in marriage? I will. I'm old school though. That's the RIGHT thing to do. It's hard, especially for a father to give away his daughter who at the time that question arises is no longer his baby girl. I know this, because I have listened, observed, and asked those questions.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Maxwell is back!

When I heard that Maxwell was performing at the Radio City Music Hall I had to go pick up tickets. What made it even better was that Jazmine Sullivan was opening for him!

The concert performance was last night and I had great seats in the Orchestra. I've heard a few songs off her album, but hearing her sing live was even better. Her voice is rich and strong; beautiful voice indeed. She is another product of a song writer crossing over from behind the scenes and in front of the curtain. She may not have the moves, but her songs were good. She was on for about forty-five minutes and then there was a little wait for Maxwell.

Once he the lights dimmed and strobes were turned to "sensual", the audience appetites were dripping wet, ready to receive the full course meal brought to you by Maxwell. Most people have seen the new look he's sporting, which is "clean cut", professional, grown man, and seasoned. I wasn't too fond of it, but it fits him; just a sign of him changing with the times. He's still got it. Sang most of his classics, and everyone's favorite "This Woman's Work". At one point during the performance he told the crowd, "Now hold on. There's not enough panties on my stage". Right before he could get the last word out someone threw their panties on stage. All he could say was, "You must have a lot of junk in your trunk". Yes, they were some big, grandma played a few new songs, which were smooth. He was a little nervous about playing them and constantly asked the crowd if they wanted to hear them. Of course people want to hear what they know, what they paid for in their ticket and also in purchasing his previous albums. I am always want to hear new songs, because that let's me know they're going to be releasing something new soon, and that they're still working on their craft. He is from Brooklyn, and already knew how hard fans and supporters can be sometimes. Can't wait for that album to drop, though.

Monday, October 6, 2008

"Blindness" By Jose Saramago

This is my book suggestion for the month of October. "BLINDESS" by Jose Saramago. The recent movie with the same title is solely based off this book, and I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned. Well, at least, in all the promotional material I haven't seen a tiny blurb about the book. In any case, it is a great read. I couldn't put it down. If I got paid to read I would have finished it within a day, but only took me a few more.

(Note: The following is for people who don't mind reading a little bit about the book)

I'm not trying to spoil it for anyone, but the premise of the book is an unknown city where an undiagnosed case of "white" blindness hits person and spreads like a Californian fire. It starts with one gentleman, than another, and they have a small group of about seven or eight individuals that they tell how they acquire the blindness. What is weird is that most people would think, and most blind people only see darkness...? I'm not entirely sure, but anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. Within the novel, everyone who has suddenly gone blind see nothing but whiteness. What ensues is not unexpected, but just mind boggling. Imagine a whole city, or even the whole world going blind! It was chaotic! No order at all. They started off quarantining people, but then it spread too fast. Everyone went blind. Reading the book actually has driven me to see the move; well, at least until it hits DVD.

I can elaborate if anyone would like, but for right now I'll save the long story. Good read though. So, "Hurry up and buy!" LOL...classic moment from "Don't Be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood".

Credit were credit is due...

I hate politics! That's why I never wanted to enter the field of political science, law of any kind, or ever even see myself running for any seat, office or quasi-position supposedly representing the community in which I would be serving. Politics just makes a lot of things really boring, personal to the TRILLION POWER, and empty rhetoric. That's my personally feeling, though. I'm pretty sure there are individuals out there worse than myself, but I am not one to judge. Can controversy not be smeared all across over politics? That is a good question.

So, I am a scientist and deeply involved in research and all that surrounds it. Now most people, in general, enjoy having their hard work, discoveries, inventions, etc etc etc, recognized publicly. There isn't an award more public than the Nobel Prize. That is by far the award of all awards, the recognition of all recognition, not only in field of science, but literature, peace, economics, and a few others. There is a limit for each award, which is three individuals. Recently the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was given to Harold zur Hausen, for his discovery of HPV (human papilloma virus)...which is one of the main causes of cervical cancer, and was later followed with a vaccine for cervical cancer as well, and Francoise Barre-Sinoussi along with Luc Montagnier, for their discovery of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)...HIV causes AIDS...their discovery has led to many HIV drugs and treatments.

The reason for the unknown controversy to you, known to those in the world of science who follow, is that back when HIV was first discovered there were two "camps" which proclaimed discovery: (1) the French camp, and (2) the US camp, where Dr. Gallo (AIDS virologist) was the head man in regards to the discovery of HIV. There has been a long dispute between the two camps since then trying to claim the rights and credit of the discovery.

Now in 1997, President Reagan and the French Prime Minister at the time made an agreement, where both countries shared money, royalties and credit for the discovery of HIV. Fast-forward to 2008, now, and Dr. Gallo isn't even mentioned...hmmm...I smell some controversy. It's very interesting indeed. It's not enough to even say that Dr. Gallo wasn't happy with not even being whispered on the tongues of those that made the decision to give the Nobel Prize this year. I say give credit to where credit is due. If I was in agreement with another team in taking credit, and royalties for a discovery that was influential world-wide, and I wasn't mentioned at all or even recognized! I would be livid, and driven to insight some form of verbal argument or even a fist fight! I'm just joking. I would be angry though. I'm past fighting. Why fight when you can clearly, I am referring to the politics behind every organization, company, board of directors...the list goes on and on and on.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Freestyle Battle?

Not too long ago I received an email of a couple of "rap battles" on some website via an email group I am apart of, which happen to be young college and professional black men. I took a little time out of my day to watch the videos and started a discussion about what it is that people have come to know as rap/freestyle "battles". I just want to speak my mind and offer my perspective and observations.

First of all let's break down the category which it is referred as: RAP/FREESTYLE BATTLE. If it is memorized I would use RAP, and if it is more spontaneous and "off the brain", as some may say, I would use FREESTYLE. What gets me is why even use the word BATTLE? It makes it sound violent and why usually before or after the RAP/FREESTYLE BATTLE is over there is a fight of some sorts. This is important, for example, if you have an adopted SON and you always refer to him as your STEP-SON than there will always be that disconnect, rather if you correctly referred to him as your SON. Understand? I hope so, because even before any words are exchanged there is this atmosphere of negativity and violence.

From here on in I will refer to them as FREESTYLE COMPETITIONS, because that is what they really are and should be. The reason being is that FREESTYLE COMPETITIONS are an alternate form of debates, but to me they are on another level. FREESTYLE is a talent, a gift even. Many use their gifts and talents in the wrong way and not creating anything positive with it. Each competitor gathers "intel" and important information about each other. They apply this to their memory and when the competition is on they use metaphors and analogies saying why their competitor is not as good as they are themselves. It's a talent and if learned as a skill is hard in implementing. It takes time and a lot of practice, as do many other things. It's inception and birth was of a lot of positivity. What it has evolved into is a whole other beast. References are made of selling and dealing drugs, having sexual relations with numerous members of the opposite sex, violence in the form of guns, knives, nukes, etc...., and the sexual orientation of their competitor is often times questioned. Overall it's just a lot of negativity. All this anger and negativity is built up that the loser has nothing else but to have a problem. If there was a statistician for FREESTYLE COMPETITIONS the percentage of fights caused as a result would be at least around eighty percent or higher. All I can do is shake my head.

The question I posed was why can't competitors instead of trying to break their opponent down, rather build them up and note things they have to work on to become better. I know it sounds corny, but at the end of the day what you put into the battle or competition is exactly what you get out, which is anger and violence. You have to be someone with an iron will, thick hide, and set of balls that are solid steel. It is not for the timid and weak. Like I always say, "If what they say is false then it shouldn't even phase you at all." Understand? I hope so. If I had the talent, I would go against the grain to be different. God didn't give me the talent of being a freestyle competitor, hip hop artist, or even an R&B equate this with how the younger generation make excuses and so-called reasons for the justification of using the "n-word". There's nothing you can say that can make any sense at all. The same can be said for anyone who will try to justify the violent and negative nature of RAP/FREESTYLE BATTLES/COMPETITIONS.

That's my opinion though...I have attached a link which is a satirical representation of what competitors are saying without the slang, etc's funny and some say kind of racist, but it's really's funny. Enjoy and I hope you understand my perspective and opinion? I hope so. What's your opinion and perspective?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

GOOD outweighs the bad

I was molded into an optimist by my invisible sculptor. I have always been one and will continue to think and have thoughts as one. It makes me stay positive, feel good, and live longer. I still am aware of reality, though, so don't think of me as a push over. I will flip the script from time to time and surprise you.

The reason why I bring up my perspective on life is because this past Saturday I was on my way to go catch a bus towards the train to go meet up with my old high school wrestling coach. He's only five or six years my senior, and he works out at this Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Gym in the Bronx. A lot of my friends have told me that I'd be good at it, so I figured why not try it out for a day and see...I digress...

...So while I was patiently waiting for the bus to arrive this mini-van pulled up near the stop, window rolled down and thick West Indian accent politely asked, "could you pull my side mirror out. I forgot to push it out and just noticed." I did the kind thing and pulled the mirror out in order for his vision to not be thwarted while driving. After my kind gesture he asked, "Are you going to the train?" I replied, "Yes." And he said, "I can drop you off."

[Exit Mind and Spirit, Stage Right]
Not being full of myself or anything, but there are crazy people out there. I had an inner meeting really quick and thought about the situation from all angles: (1) this man could be crazy and want to kidnap me, torture me, and chope me up into pieces, (2) he might just rob me (note: i had nothing, so this would most likely revert back to choice 1), or (3) he might be a genuinely nice person. I chose 3, being the optimist that I am. If it was my time to go, it was my time to go.

[Enter Mind and Spirit, back to Figz]
I didn't think that long about it ran through my mind. First thing he asked was that I put my seat-belt on, and along the way we talked about what we do in our respective lives--he was a correctional officer and I the young scientist. The vibe I got was that he was a churchgoing man, and we were soon talking about God and I informed him where I go to church and he was glad. First impression he received from me was that I was professional, intelligent and believed in a Higher Being, I have come know as God, Father, etc. We talked about the misled youth, and he talked of his dis-like for young men wearing baggy jeans and I laughed. Just as young gentleman make excuses and find reasons to validate the use of the "n-word" they too find the same comfort in wearing baggy jeans, even though it is a jail mentality.

Moral of the story. I caught my train and met another good, generous human being. Granted, I could have been Sylar-esque...lmao...but that's not the way of my spirit...there are still good people in the world. I'm happy I can be included in that number.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Night at SOBs in NYC

Okay. So I'm a guy who is a fan, not a huge fan, but a follower of her music. She doesn't have much out right now for anyone to really be a huge fan. Who I am referring to is Teedra Moses. One of my peers put me on to her music a few years ago. As a matter of fact, when she released her first LP that's when I was put on. That was three years ago. First thing I thought was, "she has a beautiful voice." I thought she was a lot younger, but she is older. It doesn't make a difference, but what is noticeable is how underrated she is. Her vocal skills are incomparable to a lot of current R&B singers. She far exceeds them in all categories. If you ever get a chance to look her up either on Google, YouTube, IMEEM, etc.

So, she performed last night at SOBs which is on Houston & Varick in downtown Manhattan. I got there right around the time she was set to hit the stage (i.e. 9pm) because I kind of figured she would be running a little late. To my dismay, though, "fatboy slim" hit the stage as the spokesperson for SOBs and said she's not getting here until 10:30pm!!! I was a little disappointed, and already had a whole bottle of wine in my else was I going to do? Yea I was drinking. I was content with the situation and was set on being patient. So I decided to be a little observant. With a little bit of a buzz all I really picked up on was how there were mostly couples in the venue, and the die-hard fans/supporters all the way in the front, jockin' her fresh. I would have chosen to stand in the front, but I had to work the next day and I'm not trying to have my ears ringing all night and all through the next day. That is exactly what happens when you stand in the front right next to the strident speakers. So fast forward to 10:30pm...[enter] spokesperson for SOBs with more bad news. He said, "Yo we're really sorry about the delay and we appreciate everyone waiting, but Teedra is like 20 minutes away." The crowd gets a little rowdy. "I just got off the phone with her (as he pulls out his flip phone of antiquity)". I think it was still a scam in order to have everyone present buying more drinks, and ordering food. That's exactly what happened. What else you gonna do. The DJ was all right too; even started playing some old school reggae.

Long story short, Teedra didn't hit the stage until about 11:50pm. She came right in and hit the stage and said, "Yo! What up everybody!? Anyone work for TSA? Fuck TSA!!! 'Cause they held me up at the airport! Let's get this started!" She was amazing. She performed two new songs, which is getting me excited about her upcoming sophomore album, "The Young Lioness." She's real gutter too. Don't let the beauty fool you. She sang a sweet song and said, "I can be real sweet at times, but a bitch too!" And she followed it with a song about telling her man to "get that bitch told" who she heard was saying she was with her man. She is definitely hood, but she's real. That's why I'm feeling her music. Fifteen minutes into the performance she made the gesture and stated, "I need a drink." Someone handed her a drink, and she said, "What's this? [Crowd member replied, "Long Island."] Word! I'm fucking it up!" I'm a little disappointed that she didn't sing "Backstroke." That's the first song of her's that I was introduced too, and it's real how she's explaining what it is that keeps her coming back to this guy. She's real. I enjoyed the 45 minutes, and as soon as she was done she disappeared into the night.

As soon as I was heading out it was raining and I was overcome with a sudden rush of a cold. Runny nose, sneezing, coughing, etc. I had a hard time going to sleep when I got back home, but all I was hearing were the melodies of Teedra and thinking of a certain someone. My mind is always racing, thinking of different scenarios, possibilities, etc. I'll elaborate later how my mind works.

Great night.

Teedra Moses...Fashion Goddess...Patience...Genetics...Cure for AIDS...being a mentor...Hip-Hop Honors...just a taste of my randomness.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bed Time Stories

I can more than vaguely remember, but fully recall stories when I was younger. Similar things always intrigued me and filled my heart and soul with a sense of awe and wonder. So I dreamed and continued to dream. I cannot argue though, as I have become more seasoned as a man I feel dreams have been few in number. Something inside me tells me there will be a surge coming soon, though.

I was raised in a Muslim culture when I was very young, and remember going to the mosque and observing how the men were separated from the women and children. My father was an imam, which is a prayer leader and elder of mosque. My father left this world behind when I was just four-years young. My mother always struggled between Islam and Christianity, and shortly after my father passed she converted to Christianity and that is what I have been raised on ever since. I still respect Islam and all that it encompasses.

I remember a child hood story that I felt like sharing. My mother told it to me a few times when I was young, and it has always remained with me. There might be similar stories told different ways in different cultures, so if you have ever heard something similar let me know. To the best of my ability I will try to regurgitate exactly what I interpreted...

...A man was lost in the desert--somewhere very far from Egypt--and had so much going wrong with his life, so he continued to march on through the hot desert during the feverish, hot days and cold nights. After endless days and nights. He consulted God (Allah), knowing that his life was surely coming to an end. He said something along the lines of, "Father I was struggled all my life, lost all that is most precious to me, and have ended in this never ending desert. You have remained with me through it all. I may not be remembered as a good man, but I would like to be remembered, for my days here, though not all that great but the good outweighed the bad. If this is my final request, all I ask is that you bless me." Upon his request he knelt and raised his bowed head up towards the white, empty, glowing light in the sky, otherwise known as the moon. He smiled and was taken from this earth. God blessed him by putting the imprint of his smiling face within the moon.

If you ever look at that moon do you not see a smiling face? I do, and I always wondered how it got there. Astrologists might infer that it was caused by asteroids hitting the surface, and just by chance creating an image we might say resembles that of someone's face. I would disagree. This story always filled that void. Whenever I look at the moon, and I see the smiling face, recall the man's request, and smile and ask God to bless me all the days of my life. I have no complaints.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ol' School

To think that I am only twenty-four years young, and feel like sometimes I do have an old soul. That’s because I might just have one. Family should be important to everyone, but not everyone is fortunate to have an entire family around. I pray that God guides those that may not have the luxury of a supportive family, and hope that they find someone to help fill that void. I can recall experiences during my younger years, when I was as shy as a puppy, and as quiet as a predator stalking its prey. I would listen more often than not always paying attention to what older individuals had to say. It was a natural feeling that they were obviously older, more seasoned than I. Whatever they had to say must have been important. Right? Some of it that is…lol…I have always learned to sift through endless sagacious pages of the book of my older family members and friends. If there is one thing that is constant it is change. Change is great and we should always welcome it with open arms, an understanding heart, and an intuitive intellect. The thing that just doesn’t sit right with me is how much everything has changed. For example, the youth not having respect for individuals that are older than they are, the youth not really caring how they bring a newborn/new life into this world (only that it is cute and they want one…not all but most feel that way), and finally the youth really not caring what goes on in their country of origin or even the world. Now would like to elaborate a little on these three points, as they will serve as my cornerstone for my title.

Respect, honor, loyalty are all one and the same. People just don’t know what they truly mean or even choose to practice them in their everyday life. I used to always wonder why older folks would say, “there is nothing like the good ol’ days.” Now I kind of know why. In the centuries before us [my generation] men and women had honor, respect and loyalty and that was visible in samurais, soldiers, and good old fashion countrymen/women. Politics has been corrupt since its inception, but continues to get more and more disconnected from the people they are supposed to serve. I am optimistic about life as a whole. Being in NYC this can be observed from people bumping you and not saying sorry, young kids not anywhere near the legal drinking age being drunk on the streets and trains on the weekend and during the week, young kids using foul language in public and not having any respect for older individuals who point out their dirty mouths that need to be cleaned up with ORBITZ gum (shameless plug). What is changing is how these young kids look at respect as being something that should always be given, and rather earned; honor as referred to “stop snitching”; and loyal only to those that have their back when it comes to a fist-fight and nothing else. Ahhhhh. I can go on and on, but I don’t want to be too lengthy.

As far as young kids today having babies out of wedlock, it is absolutely absurd. If they applied themselves into a passion with as much alacrity as they are at bringing a child into this world they would be ahead in the game of life. I feel as if I am ready to be a father, but my current situation isn’t the best time to bring a little Amir or Amira into this world. I would want to be in a stable relationship as well. Someone I loved and would eventually marry. It is that simple. Strap up, or do not even think of having sex at all; masturbate! LOL! The expectation of childbirth should come along with a lot of preparation in order to make sure the child is prepared for this cold, cold world. Men and women are better than what they are today, so my eyes, heart, and soul are always on the brighter, warmer side of life.

I remember a time when revolutions were led by the youth (i.e. young teenagers leading their peers followed by young children). Some teenagers and children today worry only about the latest fashion, upcoming rap artist, and new reality show. There is nothing real about the stuff shown on TV. Too many young people want fantasize about things that are not even worth their time. If you want to fantasize, at least dream of things that you will try to accomplish and will somehow make themselves and this world better.

I know I am not perfect, but I am trying my hardest to be perfect. A good man, a good father in the future, a good husband in the future, and hopefully a man who will have left a lot of knowledge on the hearts and minds of those that will follow me after I am gone.

I'm not ranting or raving, or even judging anyone. I am not better than the next man...just speaking my mind. I know others feel the same way...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Free-writing is an art like free-styling...non stop writing like non stop vocals...just saying whatever is on your mind...i commend vocal artists, rappers, or however you refer to them...they think a lot faster...but me i'll stick to my writing...from the soul and mind through the pen to the paper, permanent, as if it was written in stone...forever to be able to be viewed in the future and a glimpse into the past...our minds are like computers, i think a lot but like a computer i analyze things constantly and sift through them, separating and discarding what should be kept, and is important or either thrown away and not important to keep my mind focused on gotta let go sometimes and not think to much...not thinking enough will sell you short and thinking too much will sell you nothing...just losing time which is more precious and when confined to our earthly realm worth money...lots of money...because time is among the short list of things that can never be given can be lent, owed, and returned, but not passes us by and can only be remembered...some old folk say "let go and let God"...true; very true...and that's all about not being so consumed by our minds unquenchable desire to understand everything...all i can do is think about certain things for a second, because God did give us free will and brains to be used...but sometimes things are just too difficult to understand, so why worry...let go and let God, i guess...what do i mean i guess, i know...i've experienced it first hand...future is coming, and the past is slipping away...present is a gift like the first definition in the dictionary...and i will think on about what i intend to do with my life...the wave of the future...genetics...i always thought about it since i was alittle kid...lost a lot of fam' to AIDS, and look at me now...conducting AIDS research...strap up...bring your rain coat...coat the rocket with the protective armor...lmao...i'm a clown all day; every day...and i love laughing...sometimes i do it at the wrong times, but it makes me feel better...what more is there to life then being happy and making others happy????...another definition of happy is is GOD...and GOD is love...what more can i say...i'm living life and trying to be a better me...a better man..."i would like to be remembered as a man...flawed...and vulnerable," and that was taken from the recent Beowulf film...I would like for that to be the main quote at my funeral...and i wouldn't want people to cry...i would want people to laugh! seriously! the good times, and the bad times...they're all funny...laugh it up at my funeral...reminisce and know that i'm in a better place...thinking of the end is not being psychotic...more like be realistic...we all live and we all die...whenever GOD calls me i'll stand up and answer to his call...until then i'll do everything in my power to understand and gain wisdom, teach others, and search for the truth, for "if you cannot hear the truth, no one can tell you"...that was taken from Passion of the Christ...peep human being can hold back the tears when you visually see what could've happened to the Divine Son in human form suffering for don't have be a Christian to see the true nature of some men...all i do is shake my head and make sure i will never veer down that path...feels good writing...made my day...i'm done...that's enough...i hope you enjoyed.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Olympics 2008

If anyone knows me, then they know that I love sports! Any and all sports; most of them (i.e. except for that's on I'll watch it for a few seconds and wonder who came up with this sport and then follow that thought with a swift click of the channel button). I love competition and seeing others compete. There's so much that goes on during competitive events, especially during the Olympics. First, we were bombarded with Michael Phelps over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Viewers were force fed the notion that he might (and indeed did) win eight gold medals and beat Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals during the Olympics. I don't intend to sound like I didn't enjoy watching him compete. He was dominant in all of his races, and had a few short calls. The way in which he won was absolutely amazing. He is a phenomenal athlete and for those that try to compete in the 2012 Olympics they have a lot of training to do.

Then there was Usain Bolt and the entire Jamaican track team, both men and women, who won medal after medal. There were even a few events when they completely swept all competitors winning gold, silver and bronze. Usain Bolt is out of this world! I don't see anyone posing a challenge for this young man. He will break the records again and again for years to come, because we still have not seen his fastest time. I will not be the first to support Bolt and the way he celebrates. He has a few critics who say he's too cocky and he disrespects his fellow competitors. I say, "Ahhhhh! Pish-posh!" Whatever that's being himself and there's nothing wrong with that.

My favorite sport of all: Basketball. Back in the days in time of Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, David Robinson, etc. etc. etc. the USA Men's Basketball Team was known as the "Dream Team". How could they lose with Hall-of-Fame great's listed above? Now after not even obtaining a medal in the 2004 Olympics, this year's team has come to attain the moniker "Redeem Team". Redeem they did. Thanks to "kung-fu grip tight" defense and a brotherhood of talented NBA players, the USA Redeem Team brought the gold back home.

The Olympics is my mecca in which I make a visual haj every four years. If you see me at the gym or running outside know that I train to (1) stay in shape, and (2) to prepare to compete in 2012 Olympics representing the USA Wrestling Team. I tell people from time to time, but it's so I never forget. I'll be 28, and at my peak. I'll have to qualify against other potential competitors from across the nation. I'll be ready, and I will give it all I have. Look out for me ;)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse Jackson

This is really is the year 2008; more hate in the '08, some have said. This just in, Jesse Jackson while on CNN while be interviewed, obviously he was asked questions in regards to Senator--soon to be President--Barack Obama, made some shrewd remarks in response to Obama stating that he wanted to cut the amount of funds faith-based organizations receive. It must have been an intermission, commercial break or short pause. The microphones were still on and he said, "I just want to cut his nuts off!" and made a physical gesture acting it out showing how serious he was. Now, it might have been a satirical statement, bu it definitely wasn't received as such. You don't joke about something like that while even close to national TV cameras. People are always watching, and he's old enough to know that. It's a shame. I know he's embarrassed, and he should be. He sound exactly like Grandpa from "The Boondocks" telling Rapper Thugnificient to "eat a dick!" If Barack had group of homeboys like Thugnificient I'm pretty sure they're reply would be for Jesse Jackson to go ahead and eat a bag of baby dicks! LOL! How can you apologize for something you really meant though, or it might have been in humor. Jesse probably felt he was in the company of a fellow African-American, who might empathize with his feeling of Obama's perspective of faith-based organizations, and everything would be all right. He thought wrong and they caught it all on tape. All I can do is shake my head in disappointment.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Now I'm not going to get too technical in this article, in order to break it down as simple as possible. So if you want to get in touch with me and have an intellectual conversation about HIV/AIDS you know how to reach me....I digress...All right. I've been working at an AIDS Research Center for some time now, and I've learned so much about the virus and of myself as a scientist. People always have their own perspective of how the virus came into this world and the possible conspiracy behind it. First, I would like to dispel that myth...THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT...I REPEAT...DID NOT CREATE HIV/AIDS VIRUS! Come on people. Who ever still believes that should know that to think that is plain ignorant. Just wanted to clear that up. Also, if people have questions don't hesitate to ask me. I will answer to the best of my ability. Conversing with other scientists and doctors that work with patients and conduct research on the virus, I have made up my mind that I would like to fight AIDS one-on-one! If that was possible I would do it, but the virus is such a pest. There are tons and tons of scientists, including myself, working very hard on a vaccine and other methods to stop the virus from spreading. The big debate that is starting to be discussed among scientists is whether or not a vaccine is EVEN possible at all!? Some believe it can be developed (optimistic scientists) while others think not (pessimistic in my always think positive). I'm beginning to believe it is very hard to actually design a vaccine due to the characteristics of the virus. When the virus is in a host and it is continuously copied it always changes! How can you design something against that!? I'm pretty sure a computer scientist can write up an algorithm or a java program to combat it, but let's be real...we're not machines. More scientists are beginning to focus on ways to stop it from spreading. For example, "creams" that women can massage around and inside their vagina to block the virus 100% from entering their body during vaginal intercourse--to be blunt and as elementary as possible. That's only one example and there is more to come.

The thing that perplexes me is how people continuously play Russian Roulette with their lives, from a sexual standpoint and not literally holding a gun of course. People really be "raw dawg" it (which is pretty much the slang description of not using a condom at all) with people they don't even know. Absolutely crazy. I'm gonna end on that. I know if a woman is gonna tell me, "you don't have to use a condom," I would tell her, "so long, we'll see each other some other time." So please "wrap it up", "wear a rain coat", or whatever you want to call it. Just be safe and stop this virus from spreading.

More to come soon...any questions?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sean Bell Court Decision

This past Friday the decision of the Sean Bell case was given around 9am. Before the verdict was given I was on my way to work thinking of what the judges decision would be. On one hand, if the judge decided that the officers were guilty I know most people who were affected by the death of Sean Bell and avid readers, and listeners would feel that justice would have been served. The officers would be serving some jail time, and it would serve as a bit of relief for some; not much, but "eghh". On the other hand, if the judge felt the officers were not guilty it would not be a surprise to anyone. The case involves a young African-American who was to be wed the next day, and was at a strip club with his homeboys. Whether or not he was intoxicated is not known to me, but he probably was. Now they got into an argument or some kind of verbal disagreement inside, which led outside. There were officers that were not in uniform, and never informed Sean Bell and his boys. It was stated that Sean Bell's car bumped the unidentified officers' car. The officers felt they were in danger and open fired 51 times or more (read the paper if you haven't).

Now the judge found the officers not guilty. No surprise at all to me, but waaaaaooooow! I feel for Sean Bell's fiancee, family and friends. I know they are hurt. To them justice was not served at all, and that was shown through the decision of the judge. I know there is some further allegiances that the judge has, but that is mere speculation which you can never count out. The officers felt that they were in danger and had the right to protect themselves!? That's crazy! I just read an email where a brother of mine mentioned what if 'I feel in danger when I'm around an officer! Would I have the right to pop off some shots to protect myself!?' Most likely's the truth though. I know one thing though. Al Sharpton's old self need to stop getting in the front of everything. Give it a rest. Sometimes I feel he may hinder certain causes when he gets involved. He is not the contemporary civil right's activist representing all African-Americans. He's donned the classical conk forever and it's time for younger individuals to get involved and take the reins of today's civil rights stage. It is a shame that we jump on the band wagon when things like this happen, and not when there's in gang violence or black-on-black, latino-on-latino, black-on-latino, etc etc etc. A lot of people having been voicing this concern. I've been reading emails after emails, blog after blog. It's a shame though. I don't know Sean Bell and his boys, but what most concerns me is that officers have the right to protect themselves when they feel they are in danger. And it's a fact that most officers feel in danger whenever they are around a group of African-Americans or Latinos. I want to know that if I'm with my fellow brothers, whether they be African-American, Latino, White, or whoever...that there's not a possibility of me getting shot! I'm never scared though. We all live and have to die some day. I'd be tight try to put humor in everything. You can't be too serious all the time. I'm not a comedian, though, but I do love to laugh, and laughter to me is therapy. There's ways in which we all don't want to die, and that's one of them. I'd rather duke it out. Why use guns?? Either way my life and yours is in the hands of God, but as good citizen we can prevent the cops from doing what they did to Sean Bell, by just being cooperative. If a man pulls a gun on me though. My hands go directly in the air and my mouth is I'm praying to God they just want my money, which I will not have because why carry cash when you could have it all in your checking account :-\ I'm going all of topic (sigh). This was on my mind all weekend and hope that people will never give up hope. Times are changing and you just need to continue to fight. Al Sharpton give it a rest and let it all fall into place. We're really good without you. Just my thoughts.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Vote Against MLK, Jr. Holiday?

My day was going so well. First of all, it's Friday. Second, I'm hitting happy hour up with my brother from another mother. Finally, I came across a NY-Times article that literally shocked me. I usually read the paper in the morning with a cup of coffee or tea, but throughout the day I check for updates and browse through their blogs. On the website was the headline, "John McCain regrets voting against MLK holiday!" Wow! How can you vote against that. For everything he stood for, why vote against it? I really see McCain in a different light now. I really hope whoever is the Democratic candidate whips his "tail" (yea i'm trying not curse anymore...Orbit gums cleans a dirty mouth...see the pun? lol). I read the article and couldn't close my mouth ('s a NY thing...gotta protect myself for fraudulent'll only understand if you're a guy or if your from the city). What was he thinking when they voted for that. Some of the thoughts going through my mind right now are: (1) man, I lost all respect for this guy, (2) I expected more from him (maybe my expectations shouldn't have been so high), (3) is he a racist (probably behind closed doors, but not to the public, since he regretted more like apologized for not voting for the holiday), and (4) how does he REALLY feel about civil rights? It's been 40 years since the assasination of Bro. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This doesn't just my feelings because MLK is a member of the illustrious fraternity of which I am apart of, but rather because of everything he stood for, and to have a man who's running to become our next president (right behind G.W. Bush) and not want to accept MLK, Jr. as a national holiday!!!!! In my NYC, sometimes needed slang, "He's WHILING!!" He should lose any, if not all, the African-American vote, and the Latino-Americans should join as well. For a man who stood and fought for so much change to come to this world (US for starters, but he had the entire humankind in mind) how could you not give him his just deserves of a national holiday, so that no one can forget what happened but just 35+ years ago. That's a shame (shakes head in disgust). I really don't care if he regrets his decision. He has to live with it, and him regretting that now, shows that he is less of a man not holding to his decision that he made. He's kissing a lot of gluteus-maximus right wonder if this lit a light bulb in anyone else's mind?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

What if men could carry babies?

I recently heard that there's been a rumor going around of a guy being pregnant. I asked around, and am pretty sure it's false. I believe that many things are possible, but a man carrying a baby!!! That's crazy! That would go against every "man law" there is (pun on; is there really a such thing as a man law?). I can't imagine my wife telling me, "Baby you ready to carry the next one? I've carried the last two, so it's your turn." What!? I would be held literally speechless. One, it's physically impossible for men to carry babies, because it isn't within our given structure to support another life inside of us. I could get technical, but what for right now. I'm keeping this as simple as possible. There's just no way. Why change something like this if you could. Change is always good, but people today like to force things that shouldn't be (tangent-->case in point ligers. have you seen those things! they're monstrous!). I have nothing against people who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender, but don't try to have things that you weren't meant to have. For example, if you don't have a penis, what do you need one for; if you don't have a vagina, why; if you can't carry babies, who in their right man would want to (excluding woman who can't physically carry babies due to a genetic defect, my heart goes out to them)! I'm a heterosexual male who loves women and that's me. You cannot knock my hustle and no one should ever knock your hustle (shout out to All I know is I will never carry a baby. That's that. Oh, and also, people just are content with who they are. Just be you. I'm confused how people get breast implants, breast reductions (i feel David Chappelle, because if you have big breasts, then do some exercises for your back to strengthen so you can supoprt those big penis enlargements (if you don't have a big penis that just means you weren't meant to be a porn star and you'll be practicing felatio alot...lmao...i'm too funny, and i'm not at a disadvantage, for I was blessed by God...shout out to God) fake calves, nose jobs, chin jobs, etc etc etc. The list can go on and on of numerous things that people are insecure of. Like Kat Williams said, "It's called self-esteem! Esteem of your mutha-f%*&ing self!" Be happy with what you got. I'm gonna write a whole other entry on that as well. Peace

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cutting people out of your life...hmmm?

Just the other day I was having a conference call with a few of my fellow college alumni. We are all good friends and have decided to throw an event together. For the past couple of months we've been in contact talking about logistics, life in general, and future plans. One who is a very good friend of mine is actually an ex-girlfriend. Somehow out of nowhere she said that she was cutting me out of her life (lol...shakes head in disappointment). At first I thought it was kind of funny, but then I deduced that it was a really mean statement. I thought our friendship was beyond that. Never had I felt that I was going to cut her out of my life, because I still feel that we are good friends and if ever I was to have a special moment in my life I would want her to be there or know of it. Her argument, basically, was that recently at church (I'm not sexist or anything, but women in general, who are spiritual and have been brought up in the church, take everything their past says for being right...sorry) her pastor said that when you enter a stage in your life (e.g. being married) you have to cut people out of your life, so that your past feelings will not pull you back-n-forth from what you are building with your newly found partner. I felt hurt, but if she really did it in the future, that would prove to me how much of a friend I was to her, because I wouldn't do the same to her. I agree that certain people do need to be cut out of your life, for example, if there is a particular someone that the only relations you had with him/her were sexual and you were seeing someone else and trying to have a serious relationship, then maybe you don't need to be around that person who you had these strong sexual relations with. On the other hand, though, I feel that if someone who you have known for a long period of time and they are important to your life as just being friends you don't have to take drastic measures in cutting them out of your life. If your man-enough/woman-enough to marry someone then you should be able to conduct yourself accordingly around your friends. If you have a problem being around them, then you're just not grown enough to put what's in the past, in the past. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but have your own opinion. Something that I really dis-like is when people all of sudden when they hear something from someone take it for being the truth, when it sounds so good, and right; they never took the time to think about it and formulate their own opinion or to even ask questions. (sigh) All right. That's enough for now. I wonder what others think?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Prostitution is the occupation for young women of the future??!!

After this media blitz of all the dirt from Governor Spitzer--soon to be "former" governor by tomorrow--the prostitute, but being the gentleman that I am, I will call her PYT (pretty young thing, has recently come out with a hot new track. And for some reason radio DJ's and hosts have been playing it. What is this world coming to? After getting paid well over 3K an hour will Governor Spitzer you get that much closer to a record deal? I know all the women that have been honestly hustling and have never compensated their morals or their bodies to get them that much further in the game. They are tight right now! People are accepting her for a singer now, and for not what she was doing. Now young women are going to look at this and be like..."dam! i can make 3K an hour! And then become an actress!" Let's be real here. I'm just disappointed and ashamed. I would never play her track. It's not in my hands though, but I can at least give my opinion.

03/17/08 @ 5pm
Just an update I recently received about the young lady who likes to be known as "Kristen." Just some stats for you...Her myspace page went from a few thousands hits to well over 5 million since the news broke out, who the prostitute was that was spending these nights with former-Governor Spitzer. Also, she has her single on some website where it is selling for around .98 cents, where she receives 70 percent. So far it has been selling at an alarming rate and she's made well over $1 million dollars within 24 hours. If that is not fair, then what is. Again, my heart goes out to all the women out there on their honest grind trying to get a new record deal. Good luck.

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Opportunities

Now I know why I moved from Rochester; the horrible weather! I was there this weekend for a few reasons . (tangent...for some reason I seem to have a habit of writing on Mondays...??? not sure why...well...back to the subject) So the weather was horrible Friday night and all of Saturday. Now after I attended college I began working in Rochester, but it really wasn't for me. It wasn't what I really wanted to be involved in. When I returned to NYC I found the opportunity of a lifetime; AIDS Research! I'm a scientist at heart, and there's a lot of history as to why I wanted to get involved with HIV/AIDS Research. I can speak about that later, but where ever there are opportunities for me, no matter how far, and preferably in warm climate--now that I'm not a full-time student/slave to a university or institution. I'm doing great research that will help people with a virus that plagues the world for long. It's wonderful being apart of such outstanding research and scientific work.

I've also had the opportunity to coach a wrestling team. Even though I've been an assistant I felt more apart of that team than anything else. These young guys don't know what the future holds for them, and I'm glad I can help them see something better than what they think it will be. Shout out to one of my wrestlers, Andrew, who just this past weekend became the first wrestler from my high school Fordham Prep to win the NYSPHSAA Wrestling Tournament. We've had wrestlers place, but never win, so congrats to him on his victory.

This was a good weekend, but I know I will never rent a car again! I'm under 25 and they literally take you for everything that you have. Never again! Overall I did enjoy my weekend.

I'll have more intellectual dialogues coming soon. I've just been in an expressive mood lately.

Monday, March 3, 2008

First of many...

It's that time of the day, where all my work is done, and I had some time on my hand. I know a few people (actually a lot of people) that are frequent bloggers, and for some reason I was thinking about getting into blogging myself. Some say I'm not as expressive as I should be. This might help me in becoming better. I'll let you know how that goes. Also I love writing, so I asked myself "to blog or not to blog?" I choose to blog when I have the time. This is the first of many to come though. I don't have much to say today, except that I do enjoy where I'm working right now and not many can say that. The Big Apple isn't for everyone, but it was made for me and I can handle it for the time being. Life is good and I'm thankful everyday for all that has been given to me. - Amir F. ("also known as" Figz", "Mr. Figz" to knew