Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse Jackson

This is really is the year 2008; more hate in the '08, some have said. This just in, Jesse Jackson while on CNN while be interviewed, obviously he was asked questions in regards to Senator--soon to be President--Barack Obama, made some shrewd remarks in response to Obama stating that he wanted to cut the amount of funds faith-based organizations receive. It must have been an intermission, commercial break or short pause. The microphones were still on and he said, "I just want to cut his nuts off!" and made a physical gesture acting it out showing how serious he was. Now, it might have been a satirical statement, bu it definitely wasn't received as such. You don't joke about something like that while even close to national TV cameras. People are always watching, and he's old enough to know that. It's a shame. I know he's embarrassed, and he should be. He sound exactly like Grandpa from "The Boondocks" telling Rapper Thugnificient to "eat a dick!" If Barack had group of homeboys like Thugnificient I'm pretty sure they're reply would be for Jesse Jackson to go ahead and eat a bag of baby dicks! LOL! How can you apologize for something you really meant though, or it might have been in humor. Jesse probably felt he was in the company of a fellow African-American, who might empathize with his feeling of Obama's perspective of faith-based organizations, and everything would be all right. He thought wrong and they caught it all on tape. All I can do is shake my head in disappointment.