Monday, February 23, 2009

Racist or Not? You decide...

I know this was a hot topic for all last week and is also an ongoing effort for Rev. Al Sharpton as we speak, but I wanted to give my perspective on this cartoon.

I would like to think that American's aren't racist. I would like to think that American's are accepting of our nation's first African-American President; even though he is half White as well. I would like to think a lot of things, but that's just not how the world is. Your imagination is a great tool to work out the kinks of HOPE, which is the driving force for some, but not many. It is the driving force particularly for those trying to bring about CHANGE to world that continually struggles between the forces of right and wrong.

Honestly, when I first saw this cartoon it was with the headlines reading [something along the lines of] "Racist photo featured in NY POST." I used to read the NY POST just because my uncle read both the DAILY NEWS and the POST, but read the POST most often. When I saw that they were supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin the NY POST officially lost my support. Yes, indeed. When you have both the DAILY NEWS and the NY TIMES supporting "CURRENT" President Barack Obama, why not support the future president? So I decided to stop supporting the newspaper. When I first heard about it people already began protesting outside of the NY POST. I tried to block out everything outside of the cartoon and the blurb of "They'll have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill," there were still racial undertones that just couldn't be denied. FIRST, President Barack Obama, whether he or any one else likes it or not, is the face of the stimulus bill. There is no doubt about it. Even if he wasn't the only writer, or if Congress was passing it....blah, blah, blah, blah....he's still the face. SECOND, American's aren't stupid to believe a simple excuse of using the recent story of a loose chimpanzee as a sattirical expression of the stupidity of the stimulus plan. No way Jose! Ughn! Ughn! Not gonna happen. THIRD, and FINALLY, how did this get passed after going through all the editors and however many people are supposed to see this before it goes to print? No one thought, "Hmmmm...this might be borderline racist?" I guess if they did they still didn't mind because it was going to stir up the population, and especially Rev. Al Sharpton, who I happened to run into around my block after he got his fresh perm...smh...he's a necessary component in our day in age. You can't knock his hustle.

I'm leaving this alone from now on, because the NY POST got what they wanted and I'm not going to continue to feed into [even though I am by posting this blog]. I just wanted to express myself and see what others thought. 

Friday, February 13, 2009


I don't watch much TV, but definitely keep my ear to those that do. I love comedy and have become of a fan of the videos that Saturday Night Live (SNL) puts out on their show. OMGosh! These things are hiliarous. I'm gonna update this with some of my favorite as time goes on.

Here's my first..."I'm on a BOAT MUTHAF**KA!!!" LOL!!!

"Jizz In My Pants" is a classic!

"The ROCK Obama"


With the completion of the 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), which is a scientifically focused meeting of the world's leading researchers working to understand, prevent, and treat HIV/AIDS and its complications, I had the sad, but true, realization of how this dilemma could easily be behind us if drugs and medication were readily available to everyone. We are a world where we have currency and if you don't have much of it many things won't be accessible. In ABSOLUT world though... can only hope and dream, or make a commercial and smile. Sad but true.

What also confuses me is how people who knowingly carry the virus still have sexual intercourse not just with one partner, but many, like nothing is wrong. Not sure how that will make the world better, but people will do what they will do. In my opinion, if one should somehow acquire the virus their thoughts should circumnavigate the planet of Hope which is sister to the planet Right and nowhere near the planet Wrong. This is a sign, from a Higher Power [i.e. GOD], saying maybe this sex thing really isn't for you, or you have to stop being selfish or whatever you feel you is the debt you will have to pay for the rest of your life.

In an absolute world everyone would think for others and instead of their own well being. If that happened everyone would be all right. Did you follow that? I hope so. It may not sound like the answer, but it sure sounds pretty good.

Stimulus Plan/Package

So...It seems like people just want this to just go through and they can get their cut. Are people really paying attention to what is being distributed though? I would hope so, but I don't think so. I'm still formulating my opinion of the plan, but I follow a few newspaper articles and this website ( which helps me stay up-to-date for right now. It's very comprehensive, but I think it will get the job done. I have faith in President Obama. What people should be worried about is whether a large portion of people will take heed to what the President is actually proposing. He really is hoping that individuals will be smart with the small amount of money they will be given. What stands out to me mostly are his plans at saving the US money over time by improving the technology we rely on, and government buildings as well. I'm curious as to how others feel and whether or not they think it will work? We will shall see. I've attached a graphic from the Washington Post which is a relative breakdown of what the Stimulus should look like. Comment as you see fit and express your perspective. Thank you.