Monday, December 1, 2008

What Really Grinds My Gears (Volume I)

Before I head home from work something was on my mind...You know what really grinds my gears!!?? These young boys in NYC, mostly Harlem, but NYC in general wearing these rosaries!! That's what really grinds my gears. All I can think is, "WTFF (what the FLACK for...working on my cussing)!!" They're not wearing one, for sentimental reasons, more like five to ten on their neck, for no reason at all!!! So this leaves me disturbed and confused. Maybe I'm judging these young boys to early before I even question one on my own. It's either one of two possible reasons as to why they are wearing them: (1) one rosary is for every person close to them that they have lost, or (2) the wood rosaries just look hot and accentuate their look (...smh...which I hope is not the case) . I really feel compelled to stop one of these young "whipper-snappers" (I am not old just using it for sheer laughs....hahahah...ok; that's enough) on the street and ask them, "Why?! Why!? O! Why!? Do you wear those rosaries the way that you do." Maybe it's me trying to stay clear of being shanked, shot (more times than there are super bowls) or jumped by a small'm being a little sarcastic, but that's just who I am. I will keep you updated on that effort. Better yet, if anyone knows of why they wear more than one, please post a comment and enlighten me. I am ignorant to this new fashion statement. My ear isn't that close to the streetz. I'm focused on other things, but this definitely grinds my gears!! What about you?