Thursday, May 21, 2009

AIDS Walk NY 2009

So collectively New Yorkers were able to raise $5.6 million for AIDS, which continues to threaten not only NYC, but worldwide. From strain 1 to strain 2. From CCR2 haplotype to CCR5 haplotype the HIV virus is very diverse and trying to develop a vaccine still proves to be a long, drawn-out, unattainable, arduous process. Scientists and researchers still push on though, and those that are in the lab and those that don't even work in the field choose to walk for a great cause.

I was up at 7:30 AM in order to meet my fraternity brothers at 8:30 AM. It's drizzling and then to my dismay it doesn't get started until 10 AM :-\ So we waited...

...There were tons and tons of teams. People had donuts, croissants, orange juice, and many more breakfast condiments to sustain the anxious walkers. What was a surprise to many people, including myself, was the large turnout of young walkers! I mean high school students and a slew of college students and organizations.

I would have rather ran the 5 miles, but walking it seemed forever! My legs were so fatigued after completing the 5 mile trek in about 3 hours. It was for a good cause, so I did my part and went right to sleep. There were tons of cross dressers and the most random old man with his little dog:

I feel for that little dog. No expression in the face at all. The dog was either very angry at the forced get up or extremely confident that no other dog was as fabulous as she/he (wasn't sure about the dog's gender...i wouldn't be surprised if he/she was transgender). Overall a good walk for a good cause, and I'll leave a photo with a message for all those promiscuous gigolos out there:

"Use Condom Sense"

Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama brushes dirt of his shoulder yet again...

Over the past couple of weeks there has been a lot of controversy about Obama giving the commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame, which is a Catholic institution of, supposedly, higher learning and at the same time against abortion. I'm sure everyone was well aware of Obama's stance on abortion and that of Notre Dame. Who give's a rat's "arse" (check Old English dictionary)! The topic of abortion, or let alone someone's opinion on it has nothing to do with the commencement of the class of 2009. This can be added to the long laundry list of unwashed events of church not being separated from state. I'm sure that there are converted atheists, satanists, Buddhists, and a smorgasbord of other faiths or followings at Notre Dame that they aren't aware of (Note: I'm not entirely sure if this is true, but I haven't and will not carry out this task/survey to find out). I am also certain that there are a few women, and men who talked women into getting an abortion off campus, so that their either their fresh, brand-new college career, or their almost completed degree would not have to be halted prematurely by a newborn infant and all the of responsibilities that come along with that bundle of joy (Ditto here as well).

I don't champion ill-willed, traditional, old farts stuck in their ways who know this is American and pick-and-choose a controversial topic as their own covert way to let everyone know that they are still not comfortable with having a half-White, half-African-American President in Office (Yes! Racism is still alive and well just under the radar and people avoid from using the "r"

This is absolutely ridiculous! Can a brother live?! I am thoroughly disgusted with Arizona State University in not conferring an honorary degree to President Obama! He joked about being one-for-two when he was conferred an honorary degree at Notre Dame.

I guess people are finding any and all ways to somehow oppose Barack Obama. All I can do is shake my head [SMH] in confusion.

Personally, I am one of the most conservative people there is to know, but as time passes I have made the proper segue into the future in not just accepting new paradigm shifts of our contemporary thinkers [but listening, observing, and applying knowledge gained through my own experiences]. After such activities I formulate my OWN opinion of the matter and choose to support it or not. I respect Obama's stance on abortion and champion how he goes about approaching the topic wherever he may go. He is not a coward and he does not back down from those that oppose his beliefs. He tries to find the common ground.

I am pro-abortion, but if I was a woman I wouldn't abort it. Obviously I am not a woman and would never face that situation....

In my awkward analogous tone:
I firmly believe that if you start contracting jobs as a "certified plumber" (wink, wink) then you should follow through with the work if something was to come up that the customer wanted to get done. You get my drift?

In my simple, laid out tone (not necessarily as fun for me):
I firmly believe that if you start having sex (i.e. if you're the male) then you should be prepared to bring a child into this world, if by chance the woman is against abortion and chooses to have the baby, for it is always the WOMAN'S choice.

Abortion is a whole other topic I will approach in another post...Oh, and I can't forget to shout all the silent protesters at Notre Dame for being soft. If your going to protest someone or something GO HARD or go home. What a shame. You're not saying anything if you have baby feet on the top of the cap (saw that protester on the news and felt a certain way about it). You would be better of putting "HIRE ME" on the top of your cap. Maybe a potential employer could be in the rafters waiting to give you a job due to the laughter and he received from seeing your request on your cap (*shrugs shoulders*)... is an example of people finding any and all excuses to somehow not get down with "Viva La Obama"...check it out:

...I would have to say James Harrison is an ignorant fool...smh