Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Disputing Grades in the 21st Century

"If 30 is the new 20; is B the new C?"

It amazes me how we can be so accustomed to formal schooling. First there's Pre-K, followed by Kindergarten, 1st through 8th Grade (Elementary School), 9th-12th Grade (High School), and finally College (Undergraduate & Graduate). I can remember either an old mentor or some article I read referring to the school system as a bunch of bull crap. It was described as so, "They teach you how to jump through a set of hula-hoops until it becomes pretty easy and you won't need any assistance. After that is accomplished you move onto another set of hula-hoops, but this time the orientation and degree of difficulty is bit harder (i.e. the hula-hoop may be on fire or have 600 volts of electricity running through it). After learning how to do all this fancy stuff your let out into the real world and it doesn't take long to realize that everything you do has nothing to do with jumping through hula-hoops at all! What sense does that make? None at all. It's funny but that's how it is.

Random thought:
If I had children right now I would have them home schooled. Some may say, "Well they'll never learn how to get along with other people." My reply is, "That is only if you keep them sheltered." I wouldn't do that. They would still have more than enough time to explore the world, and their neighborhood and interact with children in the area. This is a whole other post though.

I digress...The point I'm really getting at is in reference to a recent NY Times article about students disputing grades in college, and with some saying that if they come to class as well as completing all the mandatory things asked of a professor they should receive nothing less than a "B"! That's crazy! That would make a grade of "B" the new "C". I'm a firm believer in getting what you deserve. What you put in is exactly what you get out. Attending every class, and speaking to the professor in-and-outside of class won't cut it either. It's all about understanding the concepts and furthering your knowledge.

The only time in college I ever had to dispute a grade was once. It was the end of my freshman year in college and while I was checking on my Spring Quarter grades before I was to head home I saw that for Calculus I received a grade of "D"! This was a total surprise because on all the exams I received nothing less than an "A" and quizzes nothing less than a "B". The funny thing is when I went to the professor's office and told him of the mistake he probably made, he said he's sure he didn't make a mistake, but he reviewed my marks and noticed that he forgot to put in my grade for the final exam, which was a large portion of your final grade, so if you missed it you would most likely receive a very low grade. When he entered my final exam score my grade shot right up to an "A".

Besides that, there were plenty of times when I received a "C" and knew that's what I deserved. There were certain classes I didn't like, so I may not have put in the same effort as I would have for a class I thoroughly enjoyed, and there were some classes that were extremely hard. This article let's me know that those lazy, entitlement seeking students that think the red carpet should be laid out for them all the time still walk amongst us.

Some people are perfectionists and can never receive anything lower than an "A" while others go with the flow and never let a grade define their knowledge in a given subject. Many of the greatest minds today were told you're not cut out for this field by someone once or twice within their lifetime, but they didn't listen to them or a grade. They kept it moving and worked harder and harder. This is just sad though.

Final Thought:
I agree with the closing remarks of a professor, who hopes that students of the future will go beyond just worrying about what grade they receive in a class and more of interest in their field of study. Can you blame though? We live in a society where being accepted to graduate schools and high paying jobs come with a requirement of a certain Grade Point Average (GPA). "Common sense" always beats out "book sense" (or book smarts). The two are like natural instinct versus conditioned instinct.

If you have time take a look at the article:
"Students Expectations"

Friday, March 27, 2009

Why I don't TWEET or will not be seen on TWITTER

A recent NYTimes article has solidified my perspective on Twitter and the process known as "tweeting".

People are overjoyed about this new outlet for celebrities, athletes, and politicians to be within the reach of a short 140-character text message. I refuse to put the application on my BlackBerry or even get involved online. That's too much and it's kind of phony, but that's my opinion.

Yes, people use it for networking and have good intentions, but others just use it as a marketing tool. I'm quite all right without twitter in my life. I wouldn't be inclined to divulge on my every actions in life.

What's kind of sad is how a mentor sent me an email where someone "tweeted" that they were recently given a job opportunity with Cisco Systems and how boring it was going to be. Little did that person know that there was a Cisco higher up that saw it and was able to see her name, picture, and whatever else she forget to put as private. I'm pretty sure that job offer was rescinded...smh...it depends on your field as well, but I have no use for it. It's sad that certain people aren't the one's that are writing the material that is displayed on their Twitter accounts though.

Article - NY TIMES on Twitter

Additional Article (Added 04.22.2009) - I'd Rather Die Than TWEET...LOL

A Woman's Worth

"Pray to God you can cope
I stand outside
This woman's work
This woman's world
Oooh, it's hard on the man
Now his part is over
Now starts the craft of the father"

If I could sing I would write my own rendition of Maxwell's "This Woman's Work" and title it "This Woman's Worth". I've come across some great women in my lifetime, which includes women who have been friends, more than friends, acquaintances, or family members. Since the day I was born I only had my mother. After her it's been my two sisters and all of my aunts, which I have a lot of. Uncles are few and far in between. My father died when I was four. There really hasn't been one male person saying, "Hey! I'm gonna make a concerted effort to be in your life." Not to say I needed that because at the end of the day my mother was always in my ear of saying that my true Father has always been God, of course. Let it be a woman to tell me that, right.

"I know you have a little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left
I know you have a little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left"

It is ironic however that most of the women that have had so much of an impact on my life are the very kind of women that I like, which are: Aggressive, Opinionated, Self-Motivated, Decisive, and, not so much masculine, overbearing qualities that a woman can have. It's darn right sexy to me. I've had nothing but strong women in my life, but as I have gotten older I have been a witness to them letting their gaurd down a little bit, which was not the case in the past. Don't get me wrong they still do their thing. It's just when you come of age you start seeing and hearing a lot of things you weren't able to be aware of when you were younger.

Whatever the case women are strong individuals; men are too. Analogy: If one individual had to hold the weight of the world on their shoulders it would be a heavy burden. That is true. If a man were holding that weight and he would soon tire he wouldn't ask for help from another man, because he would want to be the one that is known for holding the weight of the world. Now if a woman were to hold that weight, and she would tire she would ask the help from another just until she gathered her strength back. It would soon turn into not only her weight but the weight of a multitude. The beauty of life is that through some form of relationship a bond can be formed that will beat all the odds and never falter. If two held that weight it would be a great deal easier than the latter.

"I should be crying but I just can't let it show
I should be hoping but I can't stop thinking
All the things I should've said that I never said
All the things we should of done that we never did
All the things I should've given but I didn't

Oh darling make it go
Make it go away
Give me them back to me
Give that little kiss
Give me your hand"

Women are precious individuals, and some don't realize the power that they have. It should be women and not men that rule the world. Why? Because at the end of the day nothing can ever get done without the permission of a woman. That's why I applaud Steve Harvey for writing his book [Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man]. When he was on the interview he said the exact same thing I have always had implanted in my brain, and that is, "A man cannot kiss a woman without her permission. A man cannot have sex wtih a woman without her permission..." Etc etc etc. You get the point. The ball is always in the woman's court. We're just waiting to see you're gonna shoot the jumper, drive to the basket, or post us us [I hope you like that Basketball reference].

That's one reason why I've never been too aggressive when it comes to women. I usually just show my interest and if it's to go any further I need the "greenlight" from her.

Women are precious, but not every woman knows that. Some are raunchy, rude, inconsiderate, nasty, negative, and any other word you can muster up. If you know you're a catch; you are a catch. If you know you're successful; you are successful. Your character should be overflowing so much that others feel it. It is absolutley breathetaking to meet a woman, or to even have one in close company, who just excudes many positive qualities. I'm sure women feel the same way about men, and if you're GLBT, I'm sure you feel the same way about whoever you are attracted to.

Some people feel life is nothing but a lonely road, but it's all about relationships; LOVE-ing relationships. I learned that first-hand from a woman.

"I know you have a little life in you yet
I know you have a little strength left
I know you have a little life in you yet
I know you have a little strength left

I should be crying but I just can't let it show
I should be hoping but I can't stop thinking
Of all the things we should've said that were never said
All the things we should've done that we never did
All the things that you needed from me
All the things that that you wanted from me
All the things I should of given but I didn't
Oh darling make it go away
Just make it go away now."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Watch your mouth!!!!"

Just the other day, my cousin wanted to stop by American Apparel and buy a v-kneck t-shirt [which came to an excruciating $26...lol..."you know it's hard out here for a pimp"; right?]. After he purchased the t-shirt we were quite hungry. one of my cousins went to chipotle mexican grill, and me and my other cousin went to Koronet which is a pizza spot on 110th and Broadway. I heard about the spot all the time and couldn't wait to get a slice. Little did I know how huge the slices were [see image below]. These things were humungous...lol...they were quite good. So good I had two slices each for $3.25, which wasn't a bad deal.

As I finished my first slice, though I received an email with a url of a clip of Bill O'Reilly when he snapped off-air due to the lack of tech support for a recording. I clicked on the link and began to watch it on my BlackBerry Storm [Shameless Plug]. I thought that I had it loud enough for my two cousins and I to enjoy. When it was over though a young man approached our table, and I think he was Jewish, but he was White, and said to me very politely, "Excuse me, but can you turn that down a little bit, just for the little kid over there. Thanks." I replied, "No problem."

What's funny is that before he even approached our table we had previously joked about how the pizza was just as big as the little kid at the counter--a good two meters away from our table. There was a little profanity in the clip:

I didn't think it was that serious, but the fact of the matter is he was right. I should have been more courteous of the young child in the vicinity.

What's even funnier is the conversation my cousins and I had after this encounter when what just happened really sunk in. One cousin said, "Man he really has balls." We're three black gentleman: I'm light-skinned with Hispanic/Arab/very mixed features, my other cousin is Jamaican, very dark with long dreads, and my other cousin is light-skinned very tall with a skate-boy-P kind of look. Basically, it doesn't happen that often that one single White individual has the courage to approach a group of Black Men and tell them that they're doing something wrong; not to be racist, but completely honest. It doesn't happen often, but my cousin said, "He must have a Black girlfriend or he just has balls." Whatever the case I'm glad he approached and informed me of my ill advised lack of character.

It's deeper than hip-hop...nah it's just deeper than race relations...I don't know.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Shack: "Missy Project"

If there's anything I love to do more in this world it's READING. My spiritual adviser has always been and will always be my mother. Granted numero uno is GOD of course, but here on this earth when it comes to things that involve GOD my mother is conduit I choose to use when I may feel out of touch or just lost in general. It's like this...if you put me in an environment of wrestling (i.e. me watching matches, participating myself, or listening and learning) I am in my zone. I soak everything up and can give my philosophy in seven seconds flat. I am in the zone. When it comes to things involving GOD I see the sparkle in my mother's eye and she is in her zone. It's amazing. It's like a "shop-a-holic" having an endless budget each day for spending. They will be in their zone.

I took a little tangent, but getting back to this post's true purpose, I recently was referred a book by my mother entitled "The Shack". I believe it's listed as fiction, but the story is--according to the author--based on true story, and a real encounter. I don't want to spoil the book, but just refer the book to any and everyone. Even if you don't like to read, just read it. You will be able to relate to this book. Anyone who reads it is asked to either blog, refer the book, or let others know in anyway possible. I blog, so I'm informing you now.

What's kind of coincidential was how I was on the train reading it and a woman looked over and realized what book I was reading. I had only completed fourty some odd pages and she was quick to tell me how good the book was. She said it changed the way she looks at a lot of things. Somehow you feel different after reading it. Hearing that I was eager to keep reading on. I did reach a point in the book where I had to sit it down for a little while and think about what it was I was reading. That's all I have to say about that.

If people have read it already don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pope & Condoms

So, Pope Benedict XVI decides to go on a week-long trip through the continent of Africa. This past Tuesdays he makes comments on condoms and how they are used to fight HIV. I'm not sure of his exact quote, word-for-word, but it was something along the lines of, "condoms do not help fight HIV, in fact they increase the problem." I would have to respectfully disagree with his comments, and first say, "Are you serious? You're the Pope and you think condoms increase the numbers of HIV in Africa [or maybe around the world in general]." This is why he is not a scientist and I am not the pope.

First, I have to put myself in his shoes and look at this from his perspective. I truly believe like, Pope John Paul II, that abstinence is the key to absolving this world of HIV/AIDS. I'm an optimistic person, but that's not gonna happen. That is unless there is a sexually transmitted disease that will cause someone's body to disintegrate after 30 days. Maybe then people will start to learn. But abstinence has always been and will always be the key. So I level with him and see that he might be saying that since condoms are available it is somewhat giving people the option to have sex, sex, and more sex.

Then I step back into the real world and think of an analogy....Aha....Having condoms readily available--especially in Africa where it is most prevalent--is like being a firefighter in Africa without a suit, gas mask, oxygen tank, and etc. You would be fighting fires and saving people from burning buildings while getting burned too. Sooner or later you would die while trying to save someone without any form of protective gear to shield yourself from the flames. Stations would go through firefighters like clockwork. That is until there is either the smart fireman or the smart fire station that makes the sacrifice to purchase the protective gear. Other firefighters and stations will look in awe like, "Aww man. I could have prevented that burn on my face I just had last week if I had that protective gear on." And the individuals wearing the gear would say, "Now I can really do my job. Ahhhh. This is safer and I feel even better living life and fighting fires." I use analogies a lot to help people understand something that I may not have the words for, and analogies are great.

If there weren't condoms this epidemic would be a whole lot worse than it is now. For someone who has such a respected opinion he should have thought about this a lot more. Now Catholic followers can use that in saying, "Well the Pope said that condoms aren't helping, so let's not use them at all." That's looking at his statement in relative to people out there who prey on women and vice versa.

Condoms are HIGHLY effective in preventing HIV infection. In a two year study, in which one partner was HIV-infected and the other was HIV-negative, no uninfected parter became infected among couples using condoms correctly and consistently at every act of vaginal or anal sex versus 10 percent of those using condoms inconsistently (www. advocatesforyouth.org).

They are needed and the concept of sex should be discussed in more households. I hope the Pope rethinks his thoughts, because many families and individuals around the world listen and follow everything the Pope says.

Those are just my thoughts as an eternal student, though.

Arrogant...Ignorant...Greedy (aka A.I.G.)

I am quite sure that there are more people than myself, who are livid with AIG literally handing out bonuses using some of the recently received bailout money. First, no one within that organization is deserving of a "bonus" for whatever so-called hard work they have put into keeping the company afloat. Second, their lame excuse of "trying to hold onto the talent that they already have and not losing them to other companies" is not valid at all. If the government chose not to give them any bailout money there would not be any bonuses to hand out. What would have happened then? Hmmpf? If they want to go to another company let them go! I cannot see any other company hiring them with their current track record of almost assisting in the downfall of AIG. Who would want them? No one! And Finally, these are taxpayers dollars they are handing out, but I know there is a process that goes with approaching this and it starts with the Board of Directors. A friend mentioned that they should have done something similar to that automotive companies who have received bailout money. They reworked their structure and how the money would be spent. I'm sure there were no bonuses given out either. AIG needs to follow suit and hold people accountable for their mistakes. There should not be any bonuses for anyone; plain and simple.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Airports, Desk Attendants, and Random Cowboys

So I was heading outta town this past weekend, and previously booked a flight with Jetblue. I knew I had to get there at least a good 30 minutes before departure. When I was on the train out to JFK though I soon realized that the train from Harlem all the way out to BK is alot longer than what it should be...smh...so I ended up getting a good 10 minutes before departure and would have made it to the gate in time, but I had to get the angry desk attendant talking about, "You're not gonna make it." Obviously I wasn't going to make it with her halting my progress. What options did I have...let's see...the flight I missed was the last one out of JFK, and the next one didn't leave until 6:45 AM and it was 11 PM! It took me 2hrs on the train to get out there...so I only have one option and that's to sit and wait at the airport :-(

She gives me some paper, and I try to get through the gate in order to sit at the bar and drink my sorrows away...lol...but she says I can't check in until 3:45 AM and I won't be able to go through security until 4 AM. Just great.

So I sit down and revert back to my happy-go-lucky normal self. I listen to some music on my BlackBerry Storm and relax while reading the latest edition of Gentleman Quartlery Magazine. After about a good hour I notice some cowboy-esque guy sitting a few seats from me. He was asking everyone questions. I think I have "nice guy" or "willing to talk to strangers" as a neon sign right above my head, and only other people can see it. Someone I got drawn into a conversation with this guy, which lasted all the way up until 4AM where we went our separate ways...that's 5 hours with only 2 power naps (i.e. 25-30 minutse of resting eyes) in between.

This guy had stories for days. I'll summarize it though:
He was dressed in all black...black cowboy hat, black trenchcoat, black boots with silver spurs, black jeans and a black shirt. He was a retired military veteran who was coming from ukraine where he met with this woman he has been in constant contact with over the internet. This guy was like late 50's, early 60's. The ukranian woman was in her late 30's, early 40's (note: he showed me a video of her on his camcorder). He was telling me stories of how much he's traveled while with the military, and afterwards. His descriptions of ukrane were as follows, "I have never been to a place where if I look out the window I could see more drop-dead-gorgeous woman than I will ever see in a lifetime in the US." The culture is definitely different out in ukrane and he's looking to take the ukranian woman away from a culture that marginalizes her. She divorced her husband who was an alcholic, which is the case for a lot of men out there, supposedly, and she later divorced him. Divorce is frowned upon, especially more so for the woman...To each his own right...and on another note this guy lives in South Florida, and has 3 kids that live in Minnesota. He couldn't take the cold weather any more, so he entered a better environment for himself, and now he's about to bring the ukranian woman back with him later on in the year. He proposed to her and she accepted...

...an interesting guy indeed. I might have a few more posts about some interesting stories he told me...that's all I have for my 7 hours at JFK airport...

...but what really sucked was after going through security I went straight to the bar to find out that they couldn't start serving any alcoholic beverages until 8 AM! I couldn't even get a Mimosa...smh