Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Groupthink: "That Just Isn't Right..."

This world can be so limiting sometimes. We are so capable of so much more. Just recently I have begun my new mantra and repeat to myself, "Today I wake up with the possibility of GREATNESS." Everyone in this world would be on a whole other plane, if from their entry into this world they were told that they had the power to move mountains or the will to overcome death. To often individuals or groups seek to hinder creativity, curiosity, and open dialogue.

I respect Erykah Badu for using guerrilla tactics when it came to filming her most recent video for her latest track, "Window Seat", off her upcoming album. I'm not going to front at first I was mesmerized by her vivacious curves, but I took a few minutes...collected myself and paid close attention to what she was saying and thought to myself why would she use the Dallas, TX and the location of JFK's assassination for her video? There was news coverage about how people were disgusted and outraged, but I don't see anything wrong with what she did. Some people just don't want to be walking around naked, but a child doesn't come into this world knowing that he/she is naked. We put that that thought within their mind as soon as we cover them. They don't reach to cover their genitalia. They bask in the glory of their new birth (even though they're crying after being purged from the mother's womb).

We are better than this. We have to change how we raise the next generation, which is also a good reason why I'm waiting to have children. Each and every day I'm learning more and more, not only about myself, of others, of my relationship with the Divine Creator, but of the responsibility that I have--that WE all have--for the future.

"They who play it safe are quick to assassinate what they do not understand...They move in acts ingesting fear with every act of hate against one another...afraid to respect the love EVOLVE!" -Erykah Badu "Window Seat"

1 comment:

hardboy said...

Eryka Badu handed us the perfect opportunity to ask ourselves "why?"

Nobody in that video appeared disturbed by her appearance, which has to make you wonder why anybody else who wasn't there should care more than they do.

More than that, a lot of people are missing the message that she was sending out. But, "none so blind as he who will not see".
